
buat anak ... pastu jual...hoh ???

mungkin tajuk agak kasar tapi itu realiti ...kalau tak buang.. jual...ingat apa ? kuih ke nak jual2 gitu je...macam2 dunia sekarang sampai nyawa pun boleh dijual beli...lagi teruk dibuang merata - rata macam sampah..baca cerita kat bawah ni pastu bagi pendapat korang...

A Chinese couple is being accused of selling their children so that they could play video games at Internet cafes.

Li Lin and Li Juan, who first met at an Internet cafe in 2007, decided to sell their second child, a daughter, for 3,000 yuan (RM1,373).
After spending the money, the couple sold their first child, a son, for 30,000 yuan (RM13,727). 

When their third baby - another boy - was born, the pair sold him for the same price as his brother. They were soon caught when Li Lin's mother found out what they had done.
Reports said that they did not want to raise their kids, but wanted to earn money by selling them.
The couple said they were unaware that they were breaking the law.
Source: The Korea Herald/ANN
Published July 29 2011
p/s : kerjaya baru muncul buat anak sebagai sumber pendapatan...oh dunia...dunia...nasib baik bukan kat Malaysia..


  1. baby pun boleh jadi bsness ye..dasyat...

  2. singgah cni komen entry ni..
    ermmm x ptt la nk jual2 anak..
    nasib baik cina kalau melayu lg kejam.huhu

  3. Hari tu kat china ada yang jual buah pinggang nak beli iPad...

  4. Astaghfirullah Al-Azim.. Manusia zaman sekarang sekadar ada akal tapi tak reti nak guna..

  5. dunia skrg.. mcm2 leh jadi... cube byangkn lg 10-20 thun akn dtg lak...

    latest entry 2 Benda yang Blogger TAKUT & Urban : Camera Paling CANGGIH

  6. memang kejamlah diorang nih... jadikan kerjaya plak... adoi, memang x der perasaankan??? orang anak untuk teruskan zuriat hidup, diorang wat duit... dah tu duit tu nak bawa mati??? upsss lupa, diorang memang bawa duit masuk kubur...

    sayangilah anak anda, sesungguhnya masih ramai suami isteri yang nak anak, tapi belum ada rezeki... heheheh..:)
