
134 hari tak makan....

sudah habis cerita bola...walau pahit ku telan jua... masih banyak ruang untuk diperbaiki..makan itu satu perkara yang penting kan..tapi apa cerita kalu tak makan? bukan sehari dua tapi selama 134 hari..tak percaya...layan cerita kat bawah ni..

Two goldfish have become the smallest and hardiest survivors of the devastating earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Named after characters from the cartoon Scooby Doo, Shaggy and Daphne spent 134 days trapped in their tank after the tragedy that killed 181 people in February.
They were found only when company director Vicky Thornley returned to her office rubble to collect her belongings on July 6.

Thornley said she did not want to look in the direction of the tank, placed at the reception area, because she was sure the fish would be long dead.
But then an earthquake-recovery worker shouted to her: "Hey, there are fish here, they're alive!"
Thornley was astounded. She scooped them out and took them home.
There were initially six goldfish on her tank but three of them could not be found and another was floating in the tank.
Paul Clarkson, curator at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, said the fish might have gleaned some nutrition from eating algae growing on the tank's rocks and walls.
Plus, living in a large 100-litre tank, the fish had weed to munch through.
"Naturally growing bacteria may have helped keep the water clean enough to sustain life.
p/s : Subhanallah Allah yang berkuasa menghidup dan mematikan...ikan pun pandai guna otak untuk terus hidup ? manusia? kadang2 terlalu cetek otak nya..fikir2 kan la...nak tido dulu mengantuk...ZZzzzZz


  1. huhu :P bagus entry nih..siap ade kate kate lg..!

  2. subhanallah~ =) tq share, salim~ =)

  3. kalau salim translate lagi bagus . terkial2 gua nak bace . nasib paham . haha ;p
